Do good and talk about it – again

Looking back on an article previously published by Nico Clarner, Senior IT Architect at BCG Platinion, we felt that its message was still very much relevant today and one that we wish to keep spreading – do good and talk about it, again (and again).
Some time has passed and we asked Nico to re-visit his thoughts and to reflect on what has happened at Pride@BCGPlatinion since.
The aim of our company’s internal LGBTIQ+ initiative is creating a comfortable working environment for everyone. At BCG Platinion, we exemplify these values and encourage everyone to bring their authentic selves to work. However, we haven’t really spread the word very loudly to all audiences so far, especially externally, as our initiative is still in development. Even though one of our central
efforts is being as outspoken and proud about it as possible to make sure the initiative gets recognized and supported, we didn’t feel we had to talk so much about it, as living these values just felt natural and widely accepted.
Nico, why do you think it is that introducing the Pride initiative into BCG Platinion felt so natural but at the same time also necessary?
“When considering the establishment of a Pride network, one of the first things we thought of was of course the value proposition of it. While apparently no one had a problem with people not identifying as heterosexual in the workplace, at the same time we wanted to create a safe space for people not being as determined in their sexual identity as well as create a forum for exchange about everyday
challenges, that of course also occur at work. Having the opportunity to share experiences has helped many of us a lot.”
But as the initiative continues to grow, our desire to get the word out about it increased just as much. When launching our first, and to be honest quite subtle, post on LinkedIn, it triggered a large wave of support and interest for the initiative’s work and the diversity programs we’d planned. Some colleagues approached me with comments like, “It’s really amazing that we have something like that!” That is exactly when we recognized that it is not about maturity of content or the channel you choose to use; it is the overall message you broadcast and the fact that you send it.
This additionally fueled my personal drive in working for this cause and made me aware of what actually matters:
- Widely spreading the word about what you do; it will skyrocket.
- Being brave in advancing your company’s culture; people are more open than you think to supporting employees’ diverse and multifaced backgrounds.
- Senior leadership is eager to support you; just ask.

How would you say does the focus for an initiative like our Pride network shift over time?
“In the beginning our main efforts were focused on establishing a network, this included the definition of a value proposition, internal promotion and acquisition of new members as well as fostering affiliation within the network. As the initiative matures, we are broadening our focus to external marketing measures, conduct active sourcing of LGBTQ+ workforce and develop actions to raise
awareness for DEI relevant topics within our company. I would say after every accomplishment we set ourselves new goals.”
Our Pride@BCGPlatinion initiative is a place where our voices get heard and every new member can add their own opinion and value to an evolving environment. And we aim at spreading the word no matter in which direction.
What has the initiative been up to in the past 12 months? Can you tell us about some of its goals in the near and distant future?
“Sure, happy to share our achievements! We completely redesigned our internal representation of diversity and broadcasted information about our network through several channels, including office display screens and physical Pride stickers that are adopted by many colleagues. Our participation at STICKS & STONES last year was a huge success, as we could get in touch with many interesting talents of which we successfully managed to hire some. To raise awareness with all employees we designed a DEI training that will be rolled out this year and of course we managed to celebrate our success, in the past virtually but a couple weeks ago even finally in person.”
What’s communicated is what a company stands for. While values can be ideated in a complex and modern design process, nothing works as good at implementing them to your corporate DNA as making them part of the communication strategy and, maybe even more important, hiring people according to those values.
Going back to this article again in the future, is there anything that would you like to be able to add to it?
“As BCG we have set ourselves an ambitious target. Until 2025 we want to comprise of at least 5% LGBTQ+ workforce. If BCG Platinion could contribute a significant part towards it, this would be an achievement I would be very proud to share.”
Changing mindsets is a slow process, and giving people the space to experience certain values can work as a catalyst for progression. Out of a desire to walk the talk, we decided to participate in the queer recruiting fair STICKS & STONES, not only to show that we believe in diversity but also to advance it.
Meet us at our stand and hear more about how BCG Platinion actively fosters a diverse and accepting culture at our workplace.