Gaming; IT; Entertainment


Wooga hat das PRIDE Champion Arbeitgebersiegel in 2022 erhalten und steht auf höchstem Niveau für Vielfalt im Unternehmen und ein LGBTIQ+ freundliches Arbeitsklima!


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Wooga Talent Team

Saarbrücker Straße 38 - 10405 Berlin

About us

Each of our 300 Woogas plays an important role in growing our success as a company and in shaping our company culture towards inspiring joy in work and play. We are proud of our razor-sharp focus on story-driven casual games, the excellent craftsmanship we put into them, and our truly collaborative way of working. At Wooga, we want to create joyful experiences that awaken our players' desire to see what happens next. We want to encourage players to become part of exciting worlds and to touch their hearts with our games, where their actions drive the story forward. Our aim is to become the players' choice for story-driven casual games, and to inspire joy in work and play.

Why we are partnering with STICKS & STONES

At Wooga — the Berlin-based gaming studio which is part of the Playtika family of brands — we believe hiring for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion means hiring people that in principle represent the range of mindsets, approaches, backgrounds that enriches our product and us as people — and as professionals. Hiring for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion means making sure that every candidate, regardless of any protected characteristic they have, participates in an equal, fair, and safe hiring process. Celebrating diversity and inclusion is an integral part of our culture.

Career Opportunities
  • Praktika
  • Werkstudierendentätigkeit
  • Young Professionals
  • Senior Professionals
  • Executive
Aktuelle Positionen
  • Data Science
  • Backend Engineer
  • Unity Engineer
  • QA Engineer
  • Product Manager
  • Producer
  • VFX Artist
  • Game Designer
  • Office Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • HR Generalist (Working Student)
Who we are looking for

We are looking for self-empowered individuals to join our team and help us in our mission to make Wooga one of the best working environments in all of Berlin while inspiring joy in work and play for everyone. Here at Wooga, the desire to learn and the willingness to solve problems are more important to us than your experience on paper. We encourage everyone to apply even if they do not think that they tick all the boxes - thinking outside of such boxes and embracing the diversity of mindsets and backgrounds is what we believe makes our teams thrive.

LGBTIQ+ Measures and Services at our company
  • LGBT+ Diversity Management
  • Schutz vor Diskriminierung von LGBT+ in den Verhaltensgrundsätzen (Code of Conduct o. ä.)
  • Sanktionen bei Diskriminierung von LGBT+
  • Keine geschlechtsspezifischen Kleidungsvorschriften
  • Teilnahme an queeren öffentlichen Veranstaltungen (CSD/Pride/queere Straßenfeste/etc.)
  • Geschlechterinklusive Sprache in der offiziellen internen Kommunikation
  • Verwendung von neuen Vornamen vor einer offiziellen Personenstandsänderung möglich (bei Türschildern, E-Mail-Adressen etc.)
  • Fortbildungen für Angestellte zum Umgang mit sexueller und geschlechtlicher Vielfalt
  • Programm für Allies, z.B. ein Botschafter:innenprogramm oder andere Maßnahmen zur Förderung von Allyship (Allies sind Unterstützer:innen der LGBT+ Community)
  • Verpflichtung von Geschäftspartner:innen zum Schutz von LGBT+ in deren Verhaltensgrundsätzen (z. B. in einem Supplier Code of Conduct)
  • Geschlechtsneutrale Toiletten

  • Gaymers night,
  • Pride,
  • specific job portals for the community,
  • monthly pride lunches
Our LGBTIQ+ Network

We have an employee resource group for the LGBTQI+ community. We participate in networking events specifically for the LGBTQI+ community (gaymers night, Pride, specific job portals for the community, monthly pride lunches,...)

STICKS & STONES ist ein Projekt der UHLALA Group. Seit 2009 unterstützen wir die LGBTIQ+ Menschen auf ihrem Karriereweg und bringen diese mit Unternehmen und Organisationen zusammen, die sich ihre LGBTIQ+ Diversity einsetzen.

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