Gaming; IT; Entertainment

Berlin, München, Frankfurt, Warschau, remote
German, English, Spanish, French, Hindi, Hebrew, Portuguese, Vietnamese

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About us

Our heart and spirit is pure Kreuzberg. We are not from just any midtown or valley. Digital technology is a real and honest craft for us, and we believe that listening properly can solve more problems than any Ted Talk ever could. We tell it like it is, and we say what we think. And that’s what we do. And that's exactly why we love our neighborhood. It’s is direct, intriguing, diverse and above all, genuine. Here art is still paint on concrete and not oil on canvas. That's why we are kreuzwerker. Wherever in the world we are.

Why we are partnering with STICKS & STONES

We are working towards a world in which the following is self-evident:

Our company is committed to inclusion, diversity and equal opportunity. We do not accept discrimination or harassment of any kind based on gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, gender identity, age or any other protected characteristic. We have people from 65 countries speaking 34 languages with 13 different faiths and with 64 different quirky hobbies working for us. And we welcome anything else you can add to this list.

Career Opportunities

  • Senior Professionals
  • Executive

Aktuelle Positionen

  • Senior Software Engineering
  • Solution Architecture
  • Project Management
Who we are looking for

We are looking for self-empowered individuals to join our team and help us in our mission to make Wooga one of the best working environments in all of Berlin while inspiring joy in work and play for everyone. Here at Wooga, the desire to learn and the willingness to solve problems are more important to us than your experience on paper. We encourage everyone to apply even if they do not think that they tick all the boxes - thinking outside of such boxes and embracing the diversity of mindsets and backgrounds is what we believe makes our teams thrive.

LGBTIQ+ Measures and Services at our company
  • LGBT+ Diversity Management
  • Schutz vor Diskriminierung von LGBT+ in den Verhaltensgrundsätzen (Code of Conduct o. ä.)
  • Sanktionen bei Diskriminierung von LGBTIQ+
  • Keine geschlechtsspezifischen Kleidungsvorschriften
  • Teilnahme an queeren öffentlichen Veranstaltungen (CSD/Pride/queere Straßenfeste/etc.)
  • Geschlechterinklusive Sprache in der offiziellen internen Kommunikation
  • Verwendung von neuen Vornamen vor einer offiziellen Personenstandsänderung möglich (bei Türschildern, E-Mail-Adressen etc.)
  • Fortbildungen für Angestellte zum Umgang mit sexueller und geschlechtlicher Vielfalt
  • Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen explizit für LGBTIQ+
  • Programm für Allies, z.B. ein Botschafter:innenprogramm oder andere Maßnahmen zur Förderung von Allyship (Allies sind Unterstützer:innen der LGBT+ Community)
  • Verpflichtung von Geschäftspartner:innen zum Schutz von LGBT+ in deren Verhaltensgrundsätzen (z. B. in einem Supplier Code of Conduct)
  • Geschlechtsneutrale Toiletten

STICKS & STONES ist ein Projekt der UHLALA Group. Seit 2009 unterstützen wir die LGBTIQ+ Menschen auf ihrem Karriereweg und bringen diese mit Unternehmen und Organisationen zusammen, die sich ihre LGBTIQ+ Diversity einsetzen.

© 2023 UHLALA Group — All Rights Reserved